Buku Young Adult: Di Mana Pun Kau Berada (I Wanna be Where You Are) - Karya Kristina Forest
Book 5

Young Adult: Di Mana Pun Kau Berada (I Wanna be Where You Are)

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by Kristina Forest

About this edition
Chloe has always believed that ballet was her goal in life. However, he had always known, Mom would never allow him to live far away alone. She plans to audition for an internship at the ballet conservatory of her dreams. Even if the plan required him to lie to Mom. Even if it meant letting Eli Green hitch a ride in his car all the way to North Carolina. Along the way from New Jersey to Washington D.C., Chloe and Eli slowly unravel the misunderstandings that have occurred in their friendship. One by one the hidden dreams were revealed. They look for loopholes to find a complete identity without being burdened by the demands of their parents. Sinopsis : Sejak dulu Chloe begitu yakin balet adalah tujuan hidupnya. Namun, sejak dulu pula ia tahu, Mom tidak akan pernah mengizinkannya tinggal jauh sendirian. Ia menyusun rencana untuk mengikuti audisi magang di konservatorium balet impiannya. Meski rencana itu mengharuskannya berbohong pada Mom. Bahkan, jika artinya harus membiarkan Eli Green menumpang di mobilnya sampai North Carolina. Sepanjang perjalanan dari New Jersey ke Washington D.C, Chloe dan Eli perlahan mengurai kesalahpahaman yang terjadi dalam persahabatan mereka. Satu per satu impian yang terpendam pun terungkap. Mereka mencari celah untuk menemukan jati diri yang seutuhnya tanpa dibebani tuntutan orang tua.
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    Gramedia Pustaka Utama

  • Tanggal Terbit

    19 Jan, 2020

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