Buku The Feminist Minds Two Years of Collected Essays from Magdalene - Karya
Book 5

The Feminist Minds Two Years of Collected Essays from Magdalene

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About this edition
In this book, forty writers shared their experiences living in Indonesia as a feminist. They voiced their thoughts, pouring out their hearts and minds courageously in an increasingly conservative society that can be hostile to divergent perspectives and unconventional outlooks. This book is made by Magdalene, a Jakarta-based women-focused online media outlet known for its bold and daring coverage that pushes the envelope and advocates equality and progressive values. We channel the voices of feminits, pluralists and progressives, or just those who are not afraid to be different, regardless of their genders, colors or sexual orientations. We aim to engage not alienate. Dalam buku "The Feminist Minds - Two Years of Collected Essays from Magdalene" ini, empat puluh penulis membagikan pengalaman mereka tinggal di Indonesia sebagai seorang feminis. Mereka menyuarakan pemikiran mereka, mencurahkan hati dan pikiran mereka dengan berani dalam masyarakat yang semakin konservatif, yang memusuhi perspektif yang berbeda dan pandangan yang tidak konvensional. Buku ini sendiri dibuat oleh Magdalene, yaitu sebuah online media berbasis di Jakarta yang berfokus pada wanita, dan dikenal akan liputannya yang berani dan menolak amplop serta mengadvokasi kesetaraan dan juga nilai-nilai progresif. Tentang Buku: Judul: The Feminist Minds - Two Years of Collected Essays from Magdalene Penulis: Magdalene Penerbit: Elex Media ISBN: 9786020490885 Jumlah Halaman: 368 halaman Berat: 0,450 kg Lebar: 21 cm Panjang: 14 cm
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    07 Apr, 2019

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