Buku English Classics: Greyfriars Bobby - Karya Eleanor Atkinson
Book 5

English Classics: Greyfriars Bobby

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by Eleanor Atkinson

About this edition
Based on a true story, Greyfriars Bobby is written for adults, but is no less popular with children. Its warmth and charm make it one of the most beloved animal tales. Greyfriars Bobby is a small shaggy dog which cannot be separated from Auld Jock, his owner, a kind and simple shepherd. When Auld Jock died after many winters together, Bobby was devastated. Dogs are not allowed on the church grounds as well as the cemetery. But the brave and clever Bobby is determined to win over Mr. Brown, the grim-faced grave keeper, to be allowed to sleep on the grave of his beloved Auld Jock. There are still many obstacles that must be overcome, but Bobby is always faithful to guard his master's grave. Berdasarkan kisah nyata, Greyfriars Bobby ditulis untuk orang dewasa, namun tidak kalah populer di antara anak-anak. Kehangatan dan daya tariknya membuat kisah ini menjadi salah satu kisah hewan yang paling disukai. Greyfriars Bobby adalah anjing kecil berbulu kusut yang tak dapat dipisahkan dari Auld Jock, pemiliknya, seorang gembala baik hati dan sederhana. Ketika Auld Jock meninggal setelah melalui sekian banyak musim dingin bersama, Bobby sangat sedih. Anjing tidak diperbolehkan memasuki halaman gereja sekaligus pekuburan. Namun Bobby yang berani dan banyak akal itu bertekad memenangkan simpati Mr. Brown, si penjaga kuburan berwajah muram, supaya diperbolehkan tidur di atas makam Auld Jock yang disayanginya. Masih banyak hambatan yang harus diatasinya, namun Bobby selalu setia menjaga makam tuannya. Sinopsis Buku: “His body a part of the soil, his memory a part of all that was held dear and imperishable in that old garden of souls.”
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