Buku This Explains Everything - Karya Mr John Brockman
Book 5

This Explains Everything

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by Mr. John Brockman

About this edition
Drawn from the cutting-edge frontiers of science, will revolutionize your understanding of the world. This is the question John Brockman, publisher of Edge.org (The world's smartest website presents 150 of the most surprising and brilliant theories of the way of our minds, societies, and universe work. Jared Diamond on biological electricity Nassim Nicholas Taleb on positive stress Steven Pinker on the deep genetic roots of human conflict Richard Dawkins on pattern recognition Nobel Prize-winning physicist Frank Wilczek on simplicity Lisa Randall on the Higgs mechanism BRIAN Eno on the limits of intuition Richard Thaler on the power of commitment V. S. Ramachandran on the neural code of consciousness Nobel Prize winner ERIC KANDEL on the power of psychotherapy Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi on Lord Acton's Dictum Lawrence M. Krauss on the unification of electricity and magnetism plus contributions by Martin J. Rees Kevin Kelly Clay Shirky Daniel C. Dennett Sherry Turkle Philip Zimbardo Lee Smolin Rebecca Newberger Goldstein Seth Lloyd Stewart Brand George Dyson Matt Ridley
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    Harper Collins

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    14 Sep, 2015

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