Buku Palindrome - Karya E Z Rinsky
Book 5


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by E. Z. Rinsky

About this edition
Private Eye Frank Lamb's business is simple: He finds things. Be it the world's hottest pepper seed in a South American dictator's safe or a pair of Italian art forgers sipping Prosecco in a Miami hotel room, he delivers the goods and collects his check, never with a smile. Work is work, and he doesn't let it get in the way of the life he's made for himself and his ten-year-old daughter, Sadie. But when a staggeringly beautiful woman offers him a small fortune to find a cassette tape, curiosity gets the better of him. It contains, she explains, a recording her sister's kidnapper made of her last three minutes on Earth. She conveniently fails to mention the unsettling effects the tape is rumored to have on listeners. Frank takes the case, and enlists the help of reclusive tracker Courtney Lavagnino to pick up a trail that's been cold for five years. As their search leads them through a horrifying labyrinth of murder and madness, it becomes clear they're chasing much more than a memento.
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    Harper Collins

  • Tanggal Terbit

    30 May, 2016

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