Buku Honor Among Thieves - Karya David Chandler
Book 5

Honor Among Thieves

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by David Chandler

About this edition
When allies become enemies,to whom can a clever thief turn? Armed with one of seven Ancient Blades, Malden waschosen by Fate to act as savior . . . and failed dismally.And now there is no stopping the barbarian hordes from invading and pillaging the kingdom of Skrae. Suddenly friends and former supporters alike covet the young hero's magic while seeking his destruction from the treacherous King and leaders of theCity of Ness to the rogue knight Croy, who owes Malden his life. It will take more than Malden's makeshift army of harlotsand cutpurses to preserve a realm. Luckily the sorceressCythera fights at his side, along with the ingenious,irascible dwarf Slag. And the wily thief still has a desperate and daring plan or two up his larcenous sleeve . . .
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    Harper Collins

  • Tanggal Terbit

    19 Apr, 2015

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