Buku CR: The Heat Is On - Karya Jill Shalvis
Book 5

CR: The Heat Is On

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by Jill Shalvis

About this edition
Synopsis Bella Marchelli got a lot of surprises that day. First, last night's date was exhausting but also fun. Second, there was someone's body at the back door of his shop. Third, the detective who came to investigate the case turned out to be the man who had given Bella an unforgettable date. Detective Jacob Madden is ready to do his job when he receives a call for a murder case. But immediately changed his mind when he found out who the eye witnesses he had to examine. He didn't want to interrogate Bella, he just wanted to share all his fun with Bella like they did last night. Sinopsis Bella Marchelli mendapat banyak kejutan di hari itu. Pertama, kencan semalamnya begitu menguras tenaga tapi juga menyenangkan. Kedua, ada mayat seseorang di pintu belakang tokonya. Ketiga, detektif yang datang untuk menyelidiki kasus itu ternyata pria yang sudah memberi Bella satu kencan yang tak terlupakan. Detektif Jacob Madden siap menjalankan tugasnya ketika menerima panggilan untuk kasus pembunuhan. Tapi langsung berubah pikiran ketika tahu siapa saksi mata yang harus diperiksanya. Dia tidak ingin menginterogasi Bella, dia hanya ingin meluapkan semua kesenangannya bersama Bella seperti yang mereka lakukan semalam. Keterangan Buku Fisik: Judul : Contemporary Romance: The Heat Is On Penulis : Jill Shalvis Penerbit : Elex Media Komputindo Terbit : 6 Maret 2017 Halaman: 272 Bahasa : Indonesia ISBN : 9786020401492
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    Elex Media Komputindo

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    08 Mar, 2017

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